Consulting Webflow Template - Rio - Designed by and
AI Rapid Prototyping
Rapid Prototyping of an AI-Powered CV Matching System
Within a 4 to 5-day timeframe, we developed a proof of concept (POC) for an AI-powered CV matching system. The goal was to automate the matching of job descriptions (JDs) with CVs, efficiently identifying the best-fit candidates. The project included creating an AI algorithm to parse JDs and CVs, extracting relevant skills and experience, and summarizing CVs concisely. A matching algorithm was developed to score and rank CVs based on their suitability for each JD. The system featured a user interface for inputting JDs, uploading CVs, and viewing results. The project successfully delivered a functional AI algorithm, an interactive user interface, and comprehensive documentation.
June 1, 2024
AI Rapid Prototyping

1. Project Overview:

The project aimed to develop a proof of concept (POC) AI-powered CV matching system within a tight timeframe of 4 to 5 days. This system was designed to streamline the process of matching job descriptions (JDs) with CVs, efficiently identifying the best-fit candidates.

2. Objectives:

  • AI Algorithm Development: Create an AI algorithm capable of parsing job descriptions and CVs to identify relevant skills, qualifications, and experience.
  • CV Summarization: Implement a feature to provide concise overviews of candidate qualifications.
  • Matching Algorithm: Develop a matching algorithm to map each CV to the corresponding JD and assign a suitability score.
  • Ranking System: Generate a ranked list of best-fit CVs for each JD based on the matching scores.

3. Scope:

  • Input Data Handling:
    • Develop functionality to input job descriptions in text format and store them in a database.
    • Implement bulk upload capability for CVs in PDF format and store them for processing.
  • AI Algorithm Development:
    • Design and train a natural language processing (NLP) model to analyze job descriptions and extract key information such as required skills, qualifications, and experience.
    • Develop a CV summarization algorithm to generate concise summaries of candidate profiles.
  • Matching Algorithm:
    • Build an algorithm to compare the content of each CV with the corresponding JD and assign a matching score based on relevance.
    • Implement a ranking system to prioritize CVs based on their suitability for each JD.
  • User Interface (UI):
    • Develop a minimal web interface during POC for inputting JDs, uploading CVs, and viewing matching results.

4. Deliverables:

  • Functional AI algorithm capable of parsing JDs, summarizing CVs, and matching them effectively.
  • User interface allowing users to input JDs, upload CVs, and view matching results.
  • Documentation detailing system architecture, algorithms used, and instructions for system usage and maintenance.

Fig: Screenshot of the working streamlit application

LIve Link:

5. Assumptions:

  • Availability of sufficient training data for NLP model development.
  • Access to necessary infrastructure for model training and deployment.
  • Collaboration and feedback from stakeholders to refine the system during development.

6. Constraints:

  • The time constraint of 4 to 5 days may limit the depth of system features and optimization.

7. Risks:

  • Technical challenges in accurately parsing complex job descriptions and CVs.
  • Performance issues in processing large volumes of CVs within the project timeframe.
  • Stakeholder expectations may not align with the capabilities of the proof of concept.

8. Stakeholders:

  • Project team members responsible for system development, testing, and documentation.
  • End users including HR personnel and recruiters who will utilize the CV matching system.
  • Project sponsor and key stakeholders providing guidance and feedback throughout the development process.

9. Approval:

This scope and proposal document require approval from the project sponsor and relevant stakeholders before proceeding with project execution.

10. Project Timeline:

  • Day 1-2: Requirement analysis and system design.
  • Day 3: Development of AI algorithms and UI implementation.
  • Day 4: Testing and refinement of system functionality.
  • Day 5: Documentation preparation and final review.